We helped LafargeHolcim build confidence and preference for its low-carbon construction materials.

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Construction is a high-risk, low-margin business; missteps at any stage of a project can be enormously costly so builders are reluctant to switch to untested materials and approaches. To help overcome their concerns about low-carbon cement, we introduced them to the ready-mix suppliers, architects and contractors already using LafargeHolcim’s OneCem to reduce carbon without compromising other critical project requirements.


Seattle, Texas, Colorado, Montreal and everywhere in between—we hit the road to meet OneCem customers and capture their stories. We then created a digital campaign that used paid social, search and advertising to target key regions and customers.

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Push 22 LafargeHolcim One Way Forward Digital Banner
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The OneCem resource center featured case studies, fact sheets, specifications, geographic availability and more. We also connected it to Salesforce, so LafargeHolcim’s sales team could identify and engage prospects at every stage of their journey.

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LafargeHolcim operated under two distinct brands in the U.S. (Holcim) and Canada (Lafarge), so the campaign included a set of branded assets for each market, as well as French-language assets for the Canadian market. Two brands. Two languages. One Way Forward.

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To get to a net-zero future, we need owners, architects, engineers and the entire construction industry to start adopting low-carbon methods and materials. The One Way Forward campaign showed them that with the right materials, the path to get there is already being paved.

3X B2B industry average CTR for display
2.5X B2B industry average CTR for YouTube
36% increase in display CTR (vs. previous campaigns)

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2022 AVA Awards

Gold Digital Advertising Campaign

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