The world needs a low-carbon future. We helped developers and architects envision one built with concrete.

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How do you get the building community to think differently about low-carbon construction? By getting them to rethink everything they’ve learned about the role cement and concrete can play in reducing the carbon content of their projects.

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Decarbonize Without Compromise. This simple, three-word phrase delivered a powerful message. It became a rallying call for those who recognized the need to cut carbon from their construction projects without cutting back on durability, flexibility or ambition. And it turned into a campaign designed to enlighten, educate, engage and PUSH the building community toward Holcim and its role in enabling low-carbon construction at scale.

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Push 22 | Holcim | DWC Infographic Image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC Infographic Image


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To drive consideration, we needed architects, owners and general contractors to understand that carbon reduction didn’t have to mean compromising on the key metrics used to measure the success of their projects. Our message: Holcim’s innovative building materials deliver all the durability and flexibility of traditional materials—without all the carbon.

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Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image
Push 22 | Holcim | DWC at World of Concrete image

Through a targeted digital and outdoor campaign, we showed that decarbonization didn’t have to come at the cost of other critical considerations driving the work of our target market. Then we pushed them to a comprehensive webpage to see firsthand how simple it is to Decarbonize Without Compromise.

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Our campaign webpage individually addressed the concerns of architects and owners, with helpful information and resources like case studies, videos, downloadable infographics, CO2 calculators, specs and more. We also equipped the Holcim sales teams with a digital toolkit so they could integrate the Decarbonize Without Compromise story into every presentation and customer interaction.

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Push 22 | Holcim | QR Code

Holcim’s internal comms team also used Decarbonize Without Compromise to keep employees engaged and focused on sustainability initiatives. With a sense of pride in their company’s mission, employees from all corners of the company are aligned behind Holcim’s commitment to decarbonize construction and work toward achieving net zero.

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The DWC campaign has outperformed industry averages in several important KPIs:

2X industry average click-through rate for display ads
80% lower than industry average on display ad cost-per-click
30% better than industry average on search CTR
7% better than industry average on search CPC

The campaign also gave Holcim the comms strategy and tools needed to engage with architects and owners, who are key to driving adoption of low-carbon solutions. And although developed for Holcim US, the campaign has been picked up by the Holcim global marketing team and will be localized for other key markets and regions.

PUSH 22 Awards Image

2023 Viddy Awards

Platinum YouTube/Vimeo

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PUSH 22 More Work Image